차세대 여성 지도자 장학생
2018.03.21 02:54
2018 Female Leader of Next generation Scholarship Award
1. Hyejun Kim 3rd year at the U of A in Biological Sciences.
2. Hyun-Joo Lim
3rd year at the U of A -Augustana Campus in Philosophy and Religious Studies.
3. Ereinne Hall 4th year at the U of A in East Asian Studies.
4. Tina Yeonju Oh
4th year at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick in Philosophy, Political Science, and Economics
사진 좌로 부터 조희양 화장 임현주, Ereinne Hall. 김혜준, 티나 연주 모친 노신옥 이사장 , 김경숙 교수